Text neck syndrome refers to
repetitive stress injury from excessively looking down at your mobile devices
for long periods of time. When users are stuck in the unnatural posture of
looking down for prolonged periods of time, it often leads to tightness across
the shoulders, soreness in the neck, and even chronic headaches.
Various Text Neck Pain Exercises are highly effective in curing out common symptoms associated with the text neck. Let us now dive into various types of common symptoms that generally occur in text neck syndrome:
- Pain in Neck and Upper Back - This type of pain is specifically located in a specific spot and feels like a general soreness that covers a broad region of the neck and shoulders.
- Rounded Shoulders and Forward Head - Muscles in the neck, chest, and upper back can become imbalanced due to prolonged forward head posture. There exist multiple Forward Head Posture Exercises that can aim at correcting this bad posture and pain associated with it.
- Headache - Muscles located at the base of the neck can become painful which can eventually lead to severe headaches. Excessive amounts of time looking at the screens, regardless of the posture, can also increase up your risk of eyestrain and headache.
To take care of all these symptoms associated with bad posture, Better Posture brings you a specialized Posture Correction Exercise Program that aims at correcting your posture and incorporates it into your lifestyle. They teach how a human body should align itself and how you can move through the correct set of postures.